Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Rough Day...

I woke up last night around 3:00 crying. I had had a bad dream. I know that it sounds childish, but I have been having very vivid dreams. I won't go into details, but I spent the next hour in Zack's arms really upset and scared to fall back asleep. Sometimes when I fall back asleep my dreams pick up right where I left off. I thought of happy things for about 2 hours and finally fell back to sleep. Needless to say this morning was hard to get up and go. I was late to work, then when I did get to work I decided to email a coworker that was due two days after me to find out what she was having. I knew that she was having her gender ultrasound done over Spring Break. I had done some therapy and another coworker stopped me in the hall and asked me if I had heard what had happened. The next few minutes brought lots of emotion. I just listened in disbelief. My coworker had lost her baby. I was sad, scared, and upset all the same time. I immediately became nauseous and thought I might get sick. This stuff wasn't suppose to happen this late in a pregnancy. My heart broke for her and her family. I ran to my room and tried to stop the email that I had sent to her. It was too late, she had already opened it and replied. From what I know she is doing okay. She will be out of work this week, and all I can do is pray for her and her family. Children are such a blessing and I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through. I honestly don't think that this day could get any worse. I am just drained....


Katie said...
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Katie said...


Who knew you had a blog! I had no idea all of this was going on in your life...wish I could hug you! I'm so happy for you and Zack...you will be the best parents!! Congrats, and keep in touch!

Cody289wpm said...

I just stumbled upon this too! It's been a couple days since this post so I hope that you are doing better. We are so excited for you and zach and always keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you in Waco soon!

Katie said...


I've tried your Baylor account some months back, that's the only one I know of...so shoot me an email to catch up!