I have completely been neglecting my blog lately. You would think with me being out of work for the summer I could blog more often, but it is quite the opposite. Since I'm not working I have become a full time stay and home mom. This has been great, but I just can't see myself doing it permanently. I have the best of both worlds. I get to work 10 months of the year and stay home 2. Carson and I have been getting up every morning and hitting the gym. It has been an experience for him. You see he hasn't been in day care at all. He has had a rough time getting used to the gym nursery, BUT today he lasted the whole time and was even happy when I picked him up.
Zack's first Father's Day
Carson was teething like crazy!
My dad let Carson wear "Golden Boy" for the first time. We were all shocked. You see this t-shirt has been a prized possession of my dad's for a few years now. He has HUGE holes everywhere.
Caitlin came back from Spain....Can you tell Carson was glad to see her?
Our good friends Mindy and Herman got engaged!! Mom saved the cake...it looked terrible before we fixed it!