Thursday, April 16, 2009

Goodbye G6

Goodbye G6....I have enjoyed having you around, but it is time for me to move on to bigger and better things. I am saying my final goodbye to my car tomorrow. I'm kind of sad, but mostly happy. Hopefully I will find a car that I LOVE and can't live without. We have narrowed it down to an Equinox and a Malibu. I will make my decision tomorrow and hopefully come home with a new car, or have ordered one. Any advice is much needed. Which one should I get.......AND I'm NOT getting red no matter what. My family doesn't think I can do it, but I'm going black or white!!


Ape said...

yeah you have done red twice in a row now. I like the equinox but maybe the malibu will be better on gas since you drive alot?

Katie said...

SUV all the way :)